Consider this: A question is simply a request for information and not an objection. You need to answer a question with a truthful and non-aggressive answer. Giving a simple and relaxed answer may sound easy, but it’s often difficult to respond gracefully.
In fact, I’ve had many customers ask the price right in the middle of a presentation, get their answer and say, “Okay, I’ll take it!”
Once you’ve answered the prospect’s question and have given it a few seconds to sink in, one of several things will happen:
- The prospect responds or gestures with something that seems positive.
- The prospect responds negatively with some price objection.
- The prospect responds with a stalling or smoke-screen statement.
A positive response or gesture should lead to one of the following:
- If the price question is in the very early part of your presentation you should just move on with a trial closing question such as, “How do you like it so far?” It’s not a good idea to ask if the prospect is “okay” with that price. No one is ever happy with the price.
- If the prospect has a mild negative response, simply move on and see if the price issue pops up again. Your price may seem a bit high to the prospect early in the presentation, but as you go on, they will see the value in the product.
- A strong negative response will need to be dealt with right away, otherwise, the prospect will think about it constantly and not hear or appreciate the remainder of the benefits of the product.