Even after all the preparation and the best presentation on earth, you may still get those dreaded words: “Wow, that’s expensive.” Now what?
Here’s a tried and true way to turn that price objection around in your favor and get your customer to agree.
Simply stand there. Do not blink, do not shrink, and say these exact words: “Hell yes it’s expensive, it’s the best on the market and worth every penny, and here’s why.” Then review some of the key benefits that the prospect liked by saying something along the lines of, “You really liked the J2534 pass-through VCI and its OE programming capacities. Didn’t you?” “You liked the large 10” ultra-crisp high-resolution display and thought it would really help to speed up your repairs. Didn’t you?” “You also said that with the time you will save and the number of additional vehicle models you can repair, the model P10 Hotsey-Totsey diagnostic tool will really help grow your business. Didn’t you?” “So yes, if you just acknowledge the price it sounds expensive, but as you agreed, it will help speed up and grow your business, making you more money. So in the end, the price doesn’t matter as much as the benefits it will give you.” “Don’t you agree?”
What you have done here is agree with the customer that this is an expensive tool, disarming their price objection. Then you walked them back through their own words where they liked the various benefits of the product. Finally, you asked the easy trial closing question, “Don’t you agree?”