Hawaii State Sen. Sam Slom (R-8) has introduced legislation that would dilute the Hawaii State Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Program by abolishing the requirement that all motor vehicles obtain an annual certificate of inspection. Hawaii Senate Bill 2625 has not been addressed in a committee as of yet.
The Automotive Service Association (ASA) opposes these changes to the Hawaii Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Program. The bill’s effect would be to create less-safe highways in Hawaii – more accidents leading to more injuries and possibly more deaths. State government studies of vehicle safety inspection programs in Missouri and Pennsylvania have indicated that inspection programs deter accidents, injuries and deaths. The bill, if passed, would take effect upon its approval.
ASA asks Hawaii repairers to contact their legislators and express their opposition to S.B. 2625. Repairers can go to ASA’s legislative website at www.TakingtheHill.com to send an opposition letter.
To view full text of the bill, visit ASA’s legislative website at www.TakingTheHill.com.