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MasterCool® by AdobeAir recently unveiled a new portable evaporative cooler, the Mobile WisperCool®. The economical MMB8 unit is smaller than the original line of residential and commercial mobile evaporative coolers, but features:
Just to review, evaporative coolers work by taking water, which in this case was supplied by a garden hose, and running it through specially-designed aspen pads. An electric blower enclosed in the unit draws in hot air through the wet pads, where it's cooled, and then disburses it.
The principle is similar to coming out of the pool on a hot day. Water works as a natural coolant in removing the heat from one's body, or a hot shop, as it evaporates. The manufacturers of this equipment feel their products actually cool the air, instead of just blowing hot air around like a fan.
To see if the unit could hold its own under normal shop conditions, we placed it with Innovation Award Panelist, ASE-certified Master Technician and shop owner Mike Steptoe, of Reliable Automotive in Fort Atkinson, WI.
The Review
As luck would have it, depending on your vantage point, we dropped the WisperCool® unit off with Steptoe during a stretch of weather in which the temperature was over 90 degrees for more than a week. So the unit was put to task very quickly.
Here's what Steptoe had to say:
For more information on the Mobile WisperCool® MMB8: Indicate 190 on e-inquiry.