If you don’t already have this info, collect email addresses and phone numbers from every one of your customers. I know this will take some time, but you only have to do it once. If they ask you why, tell them you’re putting together an email marketing program informing them of new products and special offers. Yes, you’ll have some customers who will balk at this. That’s fine. Don’t make a big deal out of it. Just say “thanks” and move on.
Next, you’ll need to record this information with a spreadsheet. To get started, add individual columns for first and last names, phone, email, brand dealer (if any), and their field of work. The brand dealer and field of work are very important since this will allow you to send mailings based on a technician’s line of work if they have one. (i.e. P&B products to P&B specialists, alignment mailings to alignment techs, Chevrolet tools to Chevrolet technicians, etc.) As time goes on, you’ll want to add other details, such as birthdays, spouse’s name, and other important points. Send me an email and I’ll email you a basic Excel spreadsheet to use: [email protected].
Now that you’ve rounded up all this contact information, you need to decide which form of customer relationship marketing you want to use.
There are many media platforms you can use to communicate with your customers. I suggest considering email as your media form of choice. It’s easy, quick, and gives you significant flexibility for pictures, videos, and links. Texting is fine, but you’re limited to what you can include with pictures, videos, etc. You could also look into Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, but since you only want these communications to go to your select group of individuals in your sales area, email offers the tightest control.
You can start by highlighting the email address column in your spreadsheet, copy and paste it in the address line of your regular email system, insert your content, and hit send. Presto! You’re now part of the customer relationship marketing world.