Purpose matters most when hiring, looking for work, Efron says at AAPEX
Louis Efron, the former head of global engagement and leadership for Tesla Motors, discussed “Why Purpose Matters Most” at the AAPEX general session Wednesday morning at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas.
His remarks applied to companies that are trying to hire the right people to grow their organizations and to those who may be looking to find “a job, career and life you love.”
Efron offered several definitions of purpose, including the traditional dictionary definition: “the reason for which something is done or used.”
In business terms, he likened purpose to “the reason your organization exists: your why.”
He said that people start businesses because they have a purpose, something they are passionate about and want to share. “People don’t start a business to make money. Those who do start to make money will usually fail.”
Purpose-driven companies had 1646 percent growth from 1996 to 2011, he said. Compare that to the S&P 500, which had 157 percent growth in the same time period.”
Engaged employees will drive purposeful companies. He shared a story about a visit that President John F. Kennedy made to NASA in 1962 in which he asked a janitor what he does at NASA. His purposeful answer was, “I’m helping to send a man to the moon.”
“Companies can tap tremendous power in employee engagement,” Efron said. “All great organizations have a what, where and why (mission, vision and purpose).”
He said that the mission of the automotive aftermarket is: to provide parts and services to make vehicles last longer, perform better and keep drivers safe. The “where” is to serve every vehicle on the road, and the “why” is to keep the world moving.
Successful companies start at recruitment by hiring people what are driven. “Hire people who believe what you believe,” Efron said. Some great questions to ask prospective employees when hiring include:
• What gets you out of bed in the morning?
• If you didn’t need money, what would you do in life?
• When in life have you been so passionately focused on an activity they you lost track of time what you are doing?
• What are you most interested in and speak most enthusiastically about?
• What do you want others to remember you for? (What is your legacy?)
Purpose plus talent plus hard work equals results, he said and purpose plus talent plus engagement equals accelerated results.
“Companies need leaders in the right role to explain the what, why and where to employees, so they can be engaged employees.”
Efron ended his talk by sharing what he said is his favorite quote: “If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.”
Efron is an award-winning human resources executive, entrepreneur, thought leader, writer, speaker, theatre director, producer, and founder of World Child Cancer USA. His passion and purpose involves enlightening, inspiring and teaching others. Efron is a contributing writer for Forbes and the Huffington Post and the author of How to Find a Job, Career and Life You Love. He is currently working on his second book to help organizations transform their employee engagement, culture and business success.
In addition to Efron’s address, the AAPEX general session included an announcement of the 2015 New Product and New Packaging Showcase Winners, and a tribute to Kathleen Schmatz, who is retiring after 14 years as CEO and president of the Auto Care Association. Following the tribute, Schmatz received a standing ovation from the audience for her work and dedication to the industry.
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