ETI congratulates 2015 officers and board members
Officers (one year term)
President – Tim Morgan (Spanesi Americas, Inc.)
Vice President, Programs – Bob Holland (Chief Automotive Technologies)
Vice President, Marketing – Brian Herron (Drew Technologies)
Secretary/Treasurer – Jim Fish (Bosch Automotive Service Solutions)
Immediate Past President – Neil Davis (Snap-on Diagnostics)
Nominees for a three year term on the Board of Directors:
Dennis Keane (Bosch Automotive Service Solutions)
Tim Lael (Hunter Engineering Company)
David Rich (Innova Electronics) (Technical Director)
Nominees for a one year term on the Board of Directors:
Craig Kirkpatrick (Verizon Telematics/Networkfleet)
Tom Kotenko (Bosch Automotive Service Solutions)
Remaining Board Members (not up for election) are:
Term Expiring in 2016-2017
Peter Richardson (Car-O-Liner)
Term Expiring in 2017-2018
Robert Vogt (IOSiX)
John Heist (STAR EnviroTech)
Kevin Fitzpatrick (Autologic)
Founded in 1947, the Equipment and Tool Institute is a trade association of automotive tool and equipment manufacturers and technical information providers. ETI’s mission is to: Advance the vehicle service industry by providing technical data and open dialog between the manufacturers of transportation products, government regulators and the providers of tools, equipment and service information.
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