American Petroleum Institute's Motor Oil Matters awards certification to Northeast Lubricants
The American Petroleum Institute (API) announced that Northeast Lubricants, a three-location motor oil distributor headquartered in Cleveland has been licensed under API’s Motor Oil Matters (MOM) program. API awarded the licenses after Northeast demonstrated the company’s compliance with API’s motor oil chain-of-custody standard.
“MOM’s mission is to make sure consumers are receiving only the best quality motor oil in their cars and trucks. In the end, much of this depends on the middle man – distributors like Northeast,” said Kevin Ferrick, API’s Engine Oil Licensing and Certification System Manager. “The MOM certification confirms that Northeast is properly storing, labeling and distributing quality oils.”
Northeast provides motor oil to a wide range of installers from lube centers and car dealers to heavy duty lubricants customers. The company’s distributor locations can be found in
Cleveland and Magnolia, Ohio, and Charlotte, N.C.
Motor Oil Matters is a consumer education and protection program run by the American Petroleum Institute. API relies on MOM to promote the benefits of API-quality motor oils and ensure consumers know the brand, viscosity grade and performance level of the motor oils installed in their cars and trucks. MOM’s goal is to make sure consumers get the right motor oil for their cars and trucks – every time.
For more information concerning Motor Oil Matters or to enroll in the program, please visit
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