The Parts House (TPH) named Vision-OE as the recipient of its 2013 Vendor of the Year Award during the Jacksonville-based Parts Plus warehouse distributor’s recent Annual Sales & Marketing Summit, according to David Miller, COO of TPH.
“TPH and Vision-OE have worked together for the past few years in order to provide some of the best remanufactured products in the aftermarket,” Miller said. “TPH recognizes the incredible support shown by Vision-OE, especially with regard to sales initiatives.”
Miller praised Vision-OE’s remanufacturing process as second to none, and emphasized the benefits of their supplier-partner relationship.
“This has truly been a success story for us,” he said. “As we’ve carried their line of starters and alternators, our sales have continuously increased, largely due to the quality of Vision-OE’s products and the commitment of their team.”
TPH is one of the largest warehouse distributors of automotive and heavy-duty truck parts and accessories in the Southeastern United States and the Caribbean.
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