HECAT, Inc. has created a newly updated website, with the goal of being more visually interactive and easy to use.
“Our old site was just overloaded with too much engineering text right up front, and the product info was difficult to navigate”, says Karl Matis, President of HECAT, Inc. “The goal was to use visuals to make it simpler to find information on any specific product, more on how to purchase products, and to move the engineering and technical content a little deeper. Product Flyers, Manuals, MSDS files, and Videos are now all there for our customers to download as needed; and we are working on more. Since we have grown into much more than just an automotive solution provider; we also added more info about many different and successful product use applications (aviation, truck, bus, HD, rail, marine, military, etc.).”
HECAT, Inc. is a manufacturer of specialty internal heat exchanger flushing and cleaning equipment, tools, adapters, chemicals, and procedures for automotive, aviation, fleet, and industrial services. HECAT® products are designed to be an integral part of any proper air conditioning, automatic transmission, engine cooling, and system decontamination, reconditioning, and repair process.
For a clearer insight into the company’s products, processes, patents, technology and applications, visit the website at www.hecatinc.com, e-mail [email protected], or call 800-380-9501.
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