Right On Target Protek Test and Measurement introduces 2 new Dual Trace Analog Scopes'#8212;one featuring a component tester and the other, alternate magnification.
- Model 6030C is equipped with a high brightness CRT, a 30-MHz bandwidth, an alternate trigger for display stability, and a built-in, push button-activated component tester to test inductors, capacitors and diodes via a characteristics waveform displayed on the screen. This model comes complete with probes, test leads, line cord and an operating manual.
- The 20-MHz bandwidth model 6020 features alt-mag sweep for the simultaneous display of the main and 10x magnified waveform, in addition to low power (40 watts), an alternate trigger and an auto trigger for stable displays, 10x horizontal magnification, along with a high-brightness CRT. This model includes test probes and a manual.