Maxwell Technologies

San Diego, CA 92123


About Maxwell Technologies


3888 Calle Fortunada
San Diego, CA 92123

More Info on Maxwell Technologies

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Maxwell Technologies and its full line of industry-leading ultracapacitor cells and modules have been the preferred energy storage and power delivery solution in more than a million products worldwide, according to the company. Maxwell’s Engine Start Modules use ultracapacitor technology to provide cranking for hundreds of thousands of starts.

Products & Press Releases

Esm 31 900 Left Angle Nobg 11386153
Battery Starting and Charging

ESM Ultra 31/900

April 8, 2014
The Maxwell Technologies Engine Start Module (ESM) Ultra 31/900 assumes the starting responsibility for the truck and effectively eliminates cranking problems that come from weak...

Videos & Resources

Maxwell Logo 5821f593e6222

Improving engine starting reliability with ultracapacitors

Oct. 6, 2016
This graphic gives you some valuable information on starting Class 6-8 trucks with ultracapacitors.
Maxwell How Ultracapacitors Improve Starting Reliability WhitePaper pg 1 573f1899d6544
Battery and Electrical

How ultracapacitors improve starting reliability for truck fleets

May 20, 2016
How can fleet operators ensure that their drivers get through every day with no starting problems?

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