Navman Wireless USA

Glenview, IL 60026


About Navman Wireless USA


2701 Patriot Boulevard, Suite 150
Glenview, IL 60026
United States

More Info on Navman Wireless USA

Products & Press Releases

Qtanium Connect Collage
Service Repair

Navman Wireless introduces Qtanium Connect telematics portal

June 5, 2014
Qtanium Connect is a new web-based telematics portal designed to streamline management of mixed heavy equipment fleets by consolidating machine data from all OEM and Navman Wireless...
Navman wireless adds driver scorecards to fleet tracking platform
Service Repair

Navman Wireless adds driver scorecards to fleet tracking platform

Feb. 11, 2013
Software enables fleet operators to identify drivers who are compromising safety and fuel efficiency by their behavior behind the wheel.
Mnav 10166905
Shop Management and Point of Sale

M-Nav 760

Aug. 24, 2010
Navman Wireless's M-Nav 760 is an all-in-one in-vehicle dispatch, messaging and GPS navigation unit designed for use with its OnlineAVL2 fleet tracking system. The device increases...

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