Mitchell 1 Integrates SocialCRM Marketing Services with Manager SE
Mitchell 1 has integrated the SocialCRM dashboard and customer marketing details into the Manager™ SE shop management solution. With this new feature, shop owners and service professionals will now see vital customer and vehicle information along with key marketing results, including real-time customer review notifications from inside Manager SE.
Users click a SocialCRM button in Manager SE to access a screen that displays details such as marketing touch points by vehicle, corresponding invoices and reviews for specific customers listed, verification of customer vehicles still owned, and unsubscribed and valid e-mail addresses. The goal is for automotive service shops to establish a deeper relationship with their customers by communicating more effectively, which in turn will allow them to leverage those relationships to grow their business via word-of-mouth marketing.
“For the first time, Mitchell 1’s shop management users who have SocialCRM can quickly see a customer’s feedback from prior visits, while also seeing a graph of the lifetime value of that customer,” said Brian Warfield, SocialCRM senior product manager, Mitchell 1. “This quickly tells the shop owner how they stand with their customers so they can provide the best possible repair experience to maximize satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth marketing through reviews and social media.”
Mitchell 1’s SocialCRM shop marketing service is dedicated to providing the best and most comprehensive way to reach an entire customer database with unique marketing messages. Repair shops can retain existing customers with automated service reminders, thank-you notes and targeted e-mail promotions as well as attract new customers through authentic reviews and increased Internet visibility.
For more information about SocialCRM or Manager SE, visit the Mitchell 1 website at or call 888-724-6742 ext. 6105.
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