The Coats GTS-90 tiltback tire changer from Hennessy Industries Inc. services tires from 6 to 24 inches in diameter.
The GTS-90 features a powered roller disk to help with bead loosening, bottom bead removal and top bead mounting. It also assists with tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) access.
Hennessy says the tire changer’s two-speed electric motor provides total control with the option to maximize shop efficiency based on application difficulty.
The Robo-Arm’s cylinder is in line with the piston to allow direct articulation and maximize power.
A single-point sealer concentrates air flow to seal beads more efficiently and eliminate excessive maintenance, according to the company.
All GTS Series models can service tires from 6-24 inches in diameter and have a two-speed electric motor. Hennessy says the GTS Series tire changers are upgradeable and capable of growing with a shop’s needs.
For more information, visit the Article page of the company’s website.