Mitchell 1, a Snap-on Company, is currently updating their online programs,, and, to now include diagnostic and repair information for 2010 engines designed to meet new EPA emission standards. All the information necessary to service Cummins ISB, ISC, ISL, ISX 11.9 and ISX 15 as well as Detroit Diesel DD13, DD15 and DD16 engines were added in July. 2010 Volvo, Mack and Maxxforce engine repair information will be added this month (August).
The 2010 engine technology is new to fleets and repair facilities. Technicians require a source of information that aids them in diagnosing and fixing problems associated with trucks that meet the new emission requirements. Mitchell 1 programs have all-makes repair information in one place so technicians can quickly find what they are looking for regardless of brand or model of truck and engine they are servicing.
Mitchell 1 programs maximize shop productivity because technicians become familiar with a single format that gives them all the vital diagnostic and repair information they are likely to need to complete a service order correctly. The programs are continually updated and include thousands of detailed color wiring diagrams to help solve complex electrical problems as well as full-color photos that provide a real-world view of many vehicle components and assemblies. Unique to Mitchell 1 products, CircuitSelect allows the user to easily trace, highlight, isolate and hide individual wiring circuits using different colored highlights.
Mitchell 1's, and together have all the information required to diagnose and repair all makes of Class 4 -8 vehicles. For more information call (888) 724-6742 or locate an independent service representative at