Post a picture to our Rislone Facebook page of you and the bottle of Rislone Fuel Injector Cleaner in the most creative way you can. Bonus points if you can take it in front of an AutoZone store or actually installing it in your car!
At the end of August, Rislone representatives will select the two most creative customer photos to receive one of two Apple iPad 2 16 GB WIFIs. The ten (10) best runners-up get a Rislone hat and t-shirt.
Contest terms and conditions:
All photos must be family-friendly and appropriate for public viewing. Those that are not will be removed and disqualified from contest entry.
Only one submission per person, please. Those who submit duplicate entries will have their first submission only considered for contest purposes.
Rislone and Bar’s Products reserves the right to make changes to this contest at any time.