Fuel System Maintenance: Economy, Efficiency, and Opportunity: in-person training with BG Products
Feb. 22, 2023 - Feb. 22, 2023
Wichita Chapter Feb. meeting: Register today!
740 S. Wichita St.
Wichita, KS 67213
With gas prices at an all-time high, our customers are thinking more and more about getting the most out of each tank of fuel. Not only are gas and diesel fuel services more relevant to customers than ever, but they also represent a huge opportunity for repair facilities to increase profitability while offering tangible value to vehicle owners. In this course, I talk about innovations in fuel system technology and how we service them, the changing language and recommendations from the auto manufacturers, structuring your maintenance recommendations to prioritize value to the customer, and methods and tools for talking to them about fuel maintenance. My partner and I have been reviewing fuel sales numbers over the past couple of months, and although many stores are doing better, gas and diesel fuel services are drastically undersold in Kansas. They represent the single biggest maintenance opportunity to the vast majority of our customers.