Unfortunately, the best demonstration and best simple closing questions don’t always get your prospects to say “yes”. So now what?
You can’t just ask, “Why not?” That will put your prospect on the defensive.
If you have helped the prospect make all their design decisions during the demonstration, you can review them to begin to understand where the roadblock is.
Jobber: Ok, I understand that this is an important decision for you. Let’s look at the features you decided on earlier and see where your question is.
Now, simply go back to the beginning and go through the major points one by one while reminding the prospect of the decision they made.
Jobber: You decided you wanted your unit to be 72” wide. Right?
Jobber: You decided that you wanted two 4”-deep drawers on top. Is that still correct?
Continue to go through the features that the prospect selected using the words “you” and “yours” a lot. If there is a problem with the actual product, that issue should show up during this review.
If nothing has been uncovered about the unit that needs to be revised, you can now go with a little tougher close such as “Mr. Prospect we have reviewed all the important features with the unit you designed and you seem to like the unit a lot. Let’s get this unit on order so you can start enjoying your new tool storage unit.”
Now if that doesn’t close the deal you know that something else is stopping the sale. It is probably either a money or a spouse issue.
A possible way to solve a money issue is to break the cost down to the smallest amount.
Jobber: “Sure $300 a month seems like a lot, but it is really only $10 per day and I’m sure the convenience and benefits of your new storage unit is worth it. Just being able to find your tools faster and easier will help you work faster which will improve your paycheck by more than $10 per day, right?”
When the objection is “I need to discuss this with my wife,” you need to try to overcome it right there on the spot.
First, welcome the objection and then say “Let’s get your wife on the phone so I can answer any questions she might have.” Close. Amazingly, sometimes this works.
Without totally aggravating the prospect, try very hard to close the deal that day. The successful closing percentages decrease dramatically with each day that passes.
And finally, remember that no matter how hard it is and how long it takes when you ask for the order, don’t say a word, nothing, nada, not even a grunt or a sigh. Let the prospect think and make a good decision for themselves — and you.