Watson & Chalin Mfg Inc

McKinney, TX 75069


About Watson & Chalin Mfg Inc

Don Watson and Tom Chalin had a vision for the company; To produce the best products and provide the best service to its customers with no exceptions.


725 E. University Dr.
McKinney, TX 75069
United States

More Info on Watson & Chalin Mfg Inc

Watson Chalin Logo 10875937

Watson & Chalin was started in 1984 with the intent to revolutionize technology for the commercial freight and trucking industries. Since its creation, W&C has filed many Patents for new technologies, and will strive to improve on current and new technologies to come.

Don Watson and Tom Chalin had a vision for the company; To produce the best products and provide the best service to its customers with no exceptions.

The company has seen tremendous growth due to this innovation and customer based nature, and is now expanding into many markets worldwide including new warehouse inKorea for the Asian markets and Mexico for the Latin American Region.

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