Peerless Electronics, Inc.

Bethpage, NY 11714-9052


About Peerless Electronics, Inc.


700 Hicksville Road
Bethpage, NY 11714-9052
United States

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Products & Press Releases

TR Series 880175 555cb01e82a1f
Battery Service and Testing

Littelfuse TR Series battery disconnect switches

May 19, 2015
The Peerless Electronics Littelfuse TR Series battery disconnect switches cuts all battery power from vehicle electrical systems for applications needing switching of two circuits...
Sensata Klixon circuit breaker
Product Guide

Sensata Klixon circuit breaker

Aug. 21, 2012
Peerless Electronics' Sensata Klixon thermal circuit breaker, No. 6766-19, is manually switchable and ignition protected. It works on rugged applications such as accessory and...

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