Muscle and Arm Farm

Freeland, WA 98249-8708


About Muscle and Arm Farm


21910 State Route 525
Freeland, WA 98249-8708
United States

More Info on Muscle and Arm Farm

Muscle and Arm Farm is located on Whidbey Island in Washington State, USA. We grow fruits, nuts, vegetables, flowers and keep a few chickens. We also invent and design, manufacture and sell innovative products for farmers and gardeners. 

Products & Press Releases

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Safety Equipment & Personal Gear

GreenJeans Utility Chaps

May 2, 2012
GreenJeans utility chaps, from Muscle and Arm Farm, feature knee pads that hang from the waist instead of the knee. The knee pads stay in place without cinching, yet are in position...

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