
Santa Ana, CA 92704


About Intellistick


2961 W. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 215
Santa Ana, CA 92704

More Info on Intellistick

IntelliStick is a real-time electronic level, temperature, intrusion and oil condition monitor for condition based management and maintenance in diesel and gasoline vehicles, heavy equipment, and trucks as well as industrial manufacturing and plant process operations. IntelliStick has been named to LAND LINE Readers Choice Top 20 Products, Popular Mechanics Editor's Choice Awards and Heavy Duty Trucking's Nifty Fifty. IntelliStick sensors are have logged over one million miles across the U.S. while continuously monitoring oil property depletion, oil condition changes and to detecting intrusion by water, coolant or fuel.

Products & Press Releases

Intellistick 10131317
Engine and Powertrain


April 21, 2010
IntelliStick's line of advanced-technology, real-time, oil condition monitoring systems now have real-time reporting of engine oil level using an electronic oil level sensor with...

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