
Marietta, GA 30062


About Pramac


1300 Gresham Road
Marietta, GA 30062
United States
1 770 2185430
1 888 9772622
1 770 2182810

More Info on Pramac

Logopramac 11456755

The Power Engineering product lines are the result of a deep market analysis which allows to identify the right product according to the application required for power supply. The products proposed are suitable for several sectors, such as industrial, telecommunication, agriculture and residential businesses, amongst others. PRAMAC on top to the standard supply offers the possibility to have customized solutions on demand (from 10 to 3.370 kVA). These products are built on the base of specific customer needs allowing  to make tailored power supply installations and systems guarantying the highest quality and technology level. Whichever would be the field of application, the priority is reserved to features like reliability, robustness and safety. 

Products & Press Releases

S6000 11456768
Product Guide

S-Class Generators

May 12, 2014
The Pramac S-Class Generators are a line of five generators, including the 2,800 watt, 4,500 watt, 6,000 watt, 7,200 watt and 14,000 watt models. All models in this line offer...

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