Lock N Stitch, Inc.

Turlock, CA 95380


About Lock N Stitch, Inc.


1015 S. Solderquist Rd.
Turlock, CA 95380

More Info on Lock N Stitch, Inc.

Products & Press Releases

Fulltorquesparkplugthreadrepair 10103103
Engine Service and Repair Tools

Full-Torque spark plug thread repair

March 5, 2009
Lock-N-Stitch Inc. developed the Full-Torque spark plug thread repair, an insert that could produce maximum heat transfer from the spark plug to prevent pre-ignition while providing...
Fulltorquethreadrepairtechnology 10098648
Tool Accessories

Full-Torque Thread Repair Technology

Feb. 26, 2008
Lock N Stitch has developed their Full-Torque, a high tech thread repair system that is based on the Spiralhook' thread geometry developed by the company's CEO. This new tool ...

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