Agenda announced for Collision Industry Conference

Oct. 3, 2023
The fall Collision Industry Conference takes place in Las Vegas in conjunction with SEMA Week.

An agenda has been released for this year’s Collision Industry Conference (CIC), according to a press release.

The event will be taking place on October 31 in Las Vegas. Presentations on several different industry-related topics will be discussed throughout the conference.

A lineup for the event that was recently released highlights sessions that pertain to emerging digital technologies, data access and privacy, education and recruiting talent, insurance company relations, and estimating and repair planning.

Special presentations will be held for attendees as well, such as a panel led by CIC Chairman Frank Terlep that will discuss industry consolidation.

In honor of CIC’s 40th anniversary, a Red Carpet Industry Awards night will be held after the CIC meeting and reception.

CIC will be held in conjunction with SEMA Week, and attendees are encouraged to attend both events, if desired. CIC's agenda, along with more information, can be found here.

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